In the nearly ten years since I started my website I have been very pleased with the progress
Although it is time consuming uploading photos on to the site I have managed 4000 so far but have a couple of thousand more to do so for the moment I will have to concentrate on the photos rather than adding information about each boxer
I have had quite a lot of interest so if you have visited the site please come back and tell your friends about it

I hope soon to be able to make it more prominent on the web so that it will be easier to view
I intend to add as many photos as I can this year and hope to have 5000 images by the end of 2018
I will concentrate on British, Commonwealth and European fighters as the Americans are pretty well represented on other sites
If anyone wants to see a particular fighter featured please let me know and I will try to add his picture or if anyone has a photo of a relative and would care to send me a copy I will include it with a full acknowledgment
Good wishes to all for 2018
56.8%China China
21.2%Germany Germany
11.9%Canada Canada
4.3%United States United States
2.1%United Kingdom United Kingdom
0.9%Japan Japan
0.5%Netherlands Netherlands
0.5%Australia Australia
0.3%Italy Italy
0.1%Russian Federation Russian Federation

Today: 7
Yesterday: 12
This Week: 21
Last Week: 18
This Month: 62
Last Month: 328
Total: 160550